About Kassia S. Morgan: 

More about Kassia & her Work:

Kassia is the founder of Spirit’s Edge: A Seeker’s Salon, a spiritual community of sharing, connection and spiritual wisdom for seekers and practitioners of all spiritual paths, with a robust online and in-person community. Spirit's Edge offers Public Rituals and Salon discussions and teachings to celebrate the Turning of the Wheel of the Year to feed the Spirit that dwells within each of us. This ongoing, continuous offering of eight public sabbat rituals a year began in 2012 and was only briefly interrupted by the global pandemic in 2020! The first public ritual led by Kassia was Mabon 2012, and the first quasi-public ritual was at Beltane 2012.

The Spirit’s Edge Shamonial Tradition and Temple, also founded by HPS Kassia, brings together both shamanism and ceremonial magick in the context of Witchcraft. It merges teachings, breaks boundaries, bringing these concepts into a cohesive whole. It is a tradition not easily pigeonholed into one thing or the other.  ​It also is a tradition that honors all traditions and that honors and welcomes all seekers. The Temple and Tradition was formally announced and initiated in 2014.

​Kassia offers Witchcraft, Shamanism & Magick Online One Year Apprenticeships (levels I-V) in the Spirit’s Edge Mystery School, which she founded in 2013.  As of May 2021, Kassia is also offering various classes in Witchcraft, Shamanism and Magick at St. Louis Community College (since the Fall Semester 2021). (Though her signature Apprenticeships in Witchcraft, Shamanism & Magick continue to only be available through her Mystery School.)

Kassia answered her spiritual calling to teach in 2012 and has never looked back! She also has continued to offer Witchcraft and shamanic classes, individual teaching and meditation sessions, shamanic healings, Reiki healings, crystal healings, and readings via phone (or zoom) appointments since that time. On occasion Kassia offers in-person classes in her magickal space The Witch’s Croft. She also writes a blog, Thoughts on the Edge by Kassia S. Morgan at Spirit’s Edge, which you may follow HERE. You may follow her on X HERE. She also taught metaphysical classes for many years at The Center for Mind, Body and Spirit.

She is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, psychic empath with a passion for shamanic healing. Kassia aligns with the divine that runs through all things, bringing the spiritual into manifestation in daily life, through a working partnership with allies in the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. She is certified in Gemstone Crystal Energy Work, a healing modality to align the mind, body and spirit by working with crystals to balance the energy centers of the body. She received ​her Reiki I from Mickie Mueller in September 2013, her Reiki II from Johnna White in November 2015, and her Reiki Master Practitioner and Reiki Master Teacher training/certificates from Johnna White in November 2016.

Kassia has been a practicing Witch for over 26 years (as of 2025). She worked as a solitary, ​later joining a teaching coven for several years (Coven of the Greenwood with then-co-High Priestesses Mickie Mueller and Ellen Dugan, which later dissolved), while also having another circle since Samhain 2007. She then hived off to form her own coven, RavenOak, on Jan. 1, 2010 with her circle. Kassia also founded Spirit's Edge at the same time! After 13 years of an active coven, Kassia dissolved the RavenOak Coven in 2020 to continue to focus her energies on the Spirit's Edge Shamonial Temple and her Mystery School, along with her ongoing intensive apprenticeships with the don Miguel Ruiz family.

Kassia graduated from the Temple of Witchcraft’s Mystery School in 2012 ​and served as a mentor and online moderator for its school. After graduating from the Mystery School in 2012, Kassia began her ongoing studies with don Miguel Ruiz and his family completing their seven week intensive Course in Mastery: The 7 Toltec Gateways for Reclaiming Your Spiritual Power and Mastering Your Life in the spring of 2013 and has continued her studies and apprenticeship with don Miguel Ruiz and his family ever since that time. She also journeyed with the Ruiz family to Mexico on their signature retreat Teotihuacan: A New Dream (in Mexico) New Year’s 2015. 

Kassia completed her Level Three: Reflections, A Path to Authenticity Apprenticeship in Dec. 2022, which was another four month apprenticeship with don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz and don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. and family. She completed her Level Two: A Path to Authenticity Apprenticeship in November 2021, mastering your center and bringing your own personal heaven wherever you go no matter what is happening in the world, around you or in your life.

In May 2021, Kassia completed her Level One: A Path to Authenticity: An Apprenticeship with don Miguel Ruiz and Family, which was a four month apprenticeship in mastering awareness and transformation, ending the war of beliefs in your mind, and redirecting your energy to create the dream you’ve always envisioned. 

​Prior to that,
Kassia successfully completed her nine-month apprenticeship in Sept. 2020 with don Jose Ruiz in his first Eagle Knight Apprenticeship Program in the Toltec Wisdom School (which launched January 2020). This is in addition to other courses she has taken with don Jose Ruiz.

Kassia also completed an additional three month mentorship with a spiritual mentor February 2021 on transformation and creating and taking your brakes off your dream.

​Kassia received the Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki in Feb. 2019 from Paula Curtis. For more information on the Munay-Ki, visit www.Munay-Ki.org. As Dr. Alberto Villoldo outlines, "the rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the [Peruvian] shamans of the Andes and the Amazon. ... The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past-the karmic & genetic programs and beliefs you inherited." It is a series of Rites that is about stewardship and being of service. 

​In. Oct. 2013, Kassia completed the Michael Harner Foundation for Shamanic Studies Two-Week Shamanic Healing Intensive training earning their White Certificate. She completed the Michael Harner Way of the Shaman weekend intensive training in spring 2013. She went on to deepen her psychopomp, death and dying work from the healing intensive through another weekend intensive the FSS Shamanism, Dying & Beyond in March 2014. She then added to her shamanic extraction skills by attending the FSS Extraction Training weekend intensive Oct. 2104. She completed the FSS Power Soul Retrieval weekend intensive for further training in soul retrievals in Oct. 2015 and Shamanic Divination Training in February 2016. She continues to practice shamanism as a way to be in Service to the comnunity and also continues to study shamanism. In addition to her 2020 apprenticeship with Jose Ruiz, in June 2020, Kassia completed both a Review Class of Shamanism Dying & Beyond by Shaman Tracks / Dana & Shana Robinson, along with a new class offered by the FSS - Shamanic Divination in Practice.

Kassia offers life coach sessions to transform limiting beliefs, adapt to and embrace change/fear, work through grief/loss, spiritual growth, work/life balance, women’s issues, general life coaching and more. She also offers dream analysis as part of her life coach and intuitive training, along with shamanic healing, Reiki, Crystal Gemstone healing/ balancings, past life regressions. (Appointments are via phone / distance workings.)

Kassia contributed writings to the published book, By Blood, Bone and Blade: A Tribute to the Morrigan from Bibliotheca Alexandrina, including her ritual writing of An Invocation of The Morrighan. ​She also contributed writings to three published anthology books by Copper Cauldron Publishing –The Green Lovers: A Compilation of Plant Spirit Magic with her essay My Journey with the Apple TreeThe Waters and Fires of Avalon with many essays inspired by the mists of Avalon and her time in the Chalice Well Gardens and with her master teacher on the Inner Planes, Dion Fortune; and Ancestors of the Craft with her essay on Ted Andrews. She also was a regular contributor to the Temple Bell Newsletter. All under her prior magickal name. She journeyed on the Temple of Witchcraft’s pilgrimage to Glastonbury in 2011 and its Wild Magick of Wales pilgrimage in 2013, which you may read about in her blog posts.

Kassia created and managed the first Spirit’s Edge booth for the 2014 Pagan Picnic with the Spirit's Edge community and manages our Picnic booth each year. She is an annual presenter at the Pagan Picnic. Spirit’s Edge had the honor of performing the Opening and Closing Rituals at the 2013 St. Louis Pagan Picnic, its official debut. She also manages our Annual Online Auction on our Spirit's Edge: A Seeker's Salon community's private Facebook group page.

Kassia previously presented a Temple of Witchcraft workshop at the annual St. Louis Pagan Picnic and envisioned, launched and managed the inaugural Temple of Witchcraft booth at St. Louis Pagan Picnic for three years while in its mystery school (last running its booth in June 2013, six months after her graduation from its mystery school in December 2012).

She previously completed extensive studies under a local shamanic practitioner; Ellen Dugan (Natural Witchcraft 1 thru 4 and the Advanced Witchcraft series); Mickie Mueller (the “year and a day” Celtic Tree Calendar); Rhonda Leifheit; Deborah Bourbon (including two crystal series/certification, tarot series, Tree of Life series, quarterly energies courses and many more); and metaphysical/meditative life coach Jean Walters. Kassia was an initiated member of Coven of the Greenwood, a teaching coven under Ellen Dugan and Mickie Mueller as co-HPSs, before founding her own coven with her circle.

Kassia has been a student of all things spiritual throughout her life, always seeking to answer the question of “why” and discover the mysteries of the universe – a curiosity that has continued since childhood. She has been on the path of the Shaman, Witch and Mage in different ways throughout her life. When Kassia was a little girl, an older neighborhood girl "initiated" her as a Witch in a formal ceremony. An endearing story, yet it set the mark of her spiritual calling in this lifetime.

In addition to the heart of her current studies, Kassia began her path with a lifelong study of Christian religions, followed by years of comparative religious study. In addition to her extensive studies listed above, she also has attended miscellaneous classes and/or 
seminars by Ted Andrews, don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, Dorothy Morrison, Judika Illes, and many more.

She has a Masonic heritage and is Past Honored Queen in the International Order of Jobs Daughters, Past DeMolay Sweetheart and two-time Past DeMolay Associate ​Sweetheart. 

​Kassia lives in St. Louis with her cats, and enjoys her spiritual path, gardening, yoga, riding hunt seat (that means jumping horses!), shooting, hanging out with friends and family, and visiting the family “Century Farm,” when she is not busy with her 35-year career in public policy / communications. She has had her own public policy / strategic communications consulting and coaching business since 2012. ​Outside of her volunteer work for the Temple, Kassia also volunteers on many civic ​boards and commissions. 

​She earned her Masters in Business Administration from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and graduated Magna cum Laude with her B.A. in Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics and Government from The American University in Washington, D.C.

Images from Teotihucan: A New Dream Spiritual Retreat in Mexico

Kassia S. Morgan is the Founder of the Spirit’s Edge Shamonial Temple & Tradition, Spirit’s Edge: A Seeker’s Salon community (online & in-person),

The Witch’s Croft and the Mystery School. She is the High Priestess and Minister of the Spirit's Edge Shamonial Temple & Tradition.

Kassia is a Shaman, Witch and Mage. She is an ordained minister, metaphysical/shamanic healer, teacher, writer, Certified Life Coach, Reiki Master Teacher and a Priestess of the Morrighan. She inspires seekers to find their own light of Spirit within, through ministry, teachings, healings, and writings at the Edge, where Spirit dwells.

Connect with her on Facebook and X